Join the Team

As a close knit Milsim team, we don’t have an open door policy on new team members but we do appreciate the value new team members can add. There isn't a strict assessment or weird initiation antics, but so everyone knows where they stand we have outlined our joining process.

People interested in becoming an Echo should talk to an existing member and join our private Facebook group. This is the first stage and will allow you to arrange attending games and training sessions with us, whilst also getting to know us a little. After you have played alongside us for 5 games, a private vote will happen; each echo has the authority to veto a potential new member.

At this point you will be an Echo, however like every Echo this is just the start. While we don’t have a set minimum kit requirement (other than a gun!) you will be expected to attend Milsim events which will have their own kit requirements which you will be expected to acquire (such as mid caps, rig and team specific camo). 

Team morale and friendship are vital; some events are long, cold and wet as well as physically and mentally challenging! We need members who will pull together and push each other through comfort zones.

Echoes are expected to attend training events on occasion and to have an active input into the team. Training, communication and continual improvement are essential to achieve a good level of team cohesion and effective team play.

We have members in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex and ages range from early 20's to mid 30's. We play locally at night and day games at sites across the East of England but also play milsim events across the UK.  Primarily we wear blue team kit (multicam, MTP, AOR1, AOR2 etc) but also advise team members to have a basic red team kit (DPM, Woodland, Black etc) for playing OPFOR if required.

In an ideal world we would like to play regularly with all team members however with work and family commitments we understand that this isn't always possible. But increasing the overall number of team members, increases the number of members that are available attend an event.

In order to maintain a good level of teamwork we hold the occasional team training day and we will soon also have a members login area with useful resources such as training videos, team SOPs, Packing lists, Radio frequencies etc. This will ensure that everyone knows what is expected even if you have not played with us before.

There are no membership fees however members are required to contribute to team purchases, for example the Team UHF License which enable all members to use better (and cheaper) than Civi PMR radios.  

Please note that you must be 18 or older to join the team

Contact us to join